Teens entering Grades 8—12 in the Fall 2013 can help the library in a variety of ways from June 24 to August 31. Prospective volunteers must submit an application and attend an orientation.
Volunteer shifts will be Mon-Thurs from 10 am-8 pm, Fri. from 10 am-4 pm, and Sat. from 10am to 3 pm.
Mandatory orientations will be held for all volunteers on the following dates:
Saturday June 8, 11:00 am-12:00 pm
Monday June 10, 6-7:00 pm
Tuesday June 11 6-7:00 pm
Teens can register online for one of those dates using the Warren Library Teen Calendar, by calling 908-754-5554 x24, or in person. Applications also can be picked up at the Youth Services desk at the library.
Summer volunteer positions will be:
Reading Club Assistant: In this position, you will assist children in locating their summer reading logs (they will be filed alphabetically by last name.) They will show you their “take home” logs in which they have recorded their reading minutes on a calendar. You will help them add up those minutes and transfer the total onto the reading log. Other tasks may be assigned by the librarians.
Program Assistant: The responsibilities of this position will vary depending on the program. You may be assigned to assist with a craft, check-in patrons, help with set-up and clean-up, etc. You must first report to the Children’s Desk and we will direct you to the program and let you know what you will be doing. Programs include Drop In Craft (DIC) programs, Chess Club (requires excellent knowledge of Chess game rules), and other children’s programs.
Reading Buddy (Book Buddies): Book Buddies will sit with young readers and listen to them read and/or they may read to children. You must be supportive, enthusiastic and encouraging throughout their time with you. You may also help them pick out a book.
Chess Club: Work with children attending the Children’s Chess Club, including teaching chess rules to beginner players, arranging games between participants. Requires excellent knowledge of Chess and the ability to work with young children. Sign ups will be done using the online calendar, in person or by phone.