Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Friends of the Warren Library Book Sale

The Friends of the Warren Township Library are planning a big clearance book sale on Monday, February 2nd from 9:30 am to 9 pm at the Warren Township Library.  

The ongoing book sale of the Friends of the Library is a big success, and the proceeds have been helping to fund a variety of programs for children and adults designed to enhance the cultural life of our residents.  

All items, including books, audiobooks, music cds, etc will be included in this one-day “Red Dot” sale. You’ll be able to buy two items and get three for free!

The Friends of the Warren Township Library provide direct financial assistance not only by sponsoring programs, but also by purchasing special items not included in the library budget. Most of all, the Friends generously volunteer their time, talents and funds when needed, to promote, improve and expand library services - and to improve the quality of life in their communities.

The Friends of the Warren Township Library are now on Facebook and you can follow the Friends on Twitter