Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Friends of the Warren Township Library celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the Warren Township Library today with family-friendly activities, raffles and artifacts and displays detailing the library's history.

The library was created by librarian Zoia Horn, established a lending library in the hallway of the Central School on August 27, 1945 with 183 books. 

There were various artifacts and displays showcasing the library's evolution during the past 70 years.

The Warren Library's 2015 Statistics:
Staff - 25
Volunteers: 25
Hours Open per Week - 61
Year-to-Date Take Outs - 139, 030
Year-to-Date Digital Take Outs - 16, 202
Patron Count - 86, 728
Friends of Warren Library Members - 688

How book loans were recorded

Beverly Lang and Albert Knight
JoAnn Ball

People gathered for the anniversary

70th Anniversary cake

Display of the library's history